Back Pain

Back pain treatment


Are you experiencing back pain?

Most people will experience some type of back pain in their life. There are many reasons why someone may experience back pain, and the pain can be the result of problems with ligaments, tendons, muscles, discs and bones. Some people are able to pinpoint the cause of their pain, such as being in an accident, while others may experience back pain that is the result of repetitive stress. No matter what the cause of your pain is, we are here to help you.

Some of the most common causes of back pain include:


Subluxation refers to when a vertebra is out of alignment, and this can happen anywhere in the spine. Many things can cause subluxation, including stress, physical trauma and toxins and chiropractic care can realign your spine and alleviate your pain


Stress impacts the body in many different ways. Some people experience an increase in their blood pressure, have an elevated heart rate or have a weakened immune system, to name a few. When your body is suffering from stress, there are various stress hormones that are released to adjust. The stress hormones cause tension and this can result in your muscle tissues experiencing a contraction. This tension can be alleviated through chiropractic care.  

Disc bulges or herniations

Pain caused from disc bulges or hernations can be incredibly painful. The progression of herniation may be prevented by chiropractic care and may provide pain relief for the patient

Muscular sprains/tendon or ligament strains

This type of pain can be caused by lifting an object that is too heavy, having your back get twisted, or by completing a task that your body is not used to. Back sprains and strains usually respond positively to chiropractic care

Do you suffer from back pain?

If you are suffering from back pain, contact us today. We will develop a customized treatment plan that will alleviate your pain and have you back to your normal daily activities in no time.  
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